Friday, November 5, 2010

Hurricane Tomas and Haiti

The Hurricane Tomas is at a very low magnitude right now, and it's making its way through the Caribbean. This hurricane did not directly hit the island of Haiti, but skimmed the southern peninsula and caused storms in most of the country. I have noticed that there is a little bit of a media focus on Haiti during this hurricane, which makes sense. First of all, what most people think of first, is that Haiti is in a fragile state since the earthquake in January. And it is. Many people whose homes were destroyed still live in camps of tents. In this regard, a lange amout of the population is highly vulnerable even to the smallest of storms. This leads to another reason the media is focused on Haiti. The earthquake was a large disaster that was vastly covered by the media, so now people are more aware of this country and its needs than they were before. Before, not many people would have known that Haiti is the poorest country in this hemisphere and that getting hit with a hazard event would have caused it so much damage partialy due to poor infrastructure and a vulnerable population. Now the people of the world are more aware of this and focus more attention on this country, including hazard events in the Caribbean which are quite common.

AP video of Haitians in flooded areas:


Article on the hurricane in Haiti:,0,5016484.story

Article called "Ways to help Haiti in wake of hurricane Tomas"

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